2018-07-30 11:56:36

Exciting start to new school year at Queen's

Exciting start to new school year at Queen's

The Queen's College campus has been a hive of activity.

The extensive program has seen the start of a redevelopment project in both boys and girls boarding houses.

Work to date has included:

  • Changes to the configuration of the bedrooms in the School House (boys' boarding).
  • New flooring, kitchens and lounge furniture in Hutton House (girls' boarding).
  • Redevelopment of the previous Design and Technology area to create the DT curriculum (to be completed by the New Year).
  • Creation of a new Year 7 day room.

The Southern Sinfonia Award

Queen's College has launched a musical study which has seen the Southern Sinfonia become Orchestra-in-Residence at Queen's.
To formally recognize the partnership, we are delighted to launch the Southern Sinfonia Award for Music students aged from ten to 16 years.
This will offer the opportunity for talented musicians to study at Queen's while also working alongside one of the leading orchestras in the South of the West of England.


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Егор Еремеев
Директор по развитию SMAPSE
Еремеев Егор 8 лет обучался и жил за границей, закончил университет Westminster в Лондоне. Сейчас является директором по развитию Smapse Education, путешествует за рубеж и лично инспектирует и снимает партнерские учебные заведения, школы и университеты, общается и берет интервью у студентов, учащихся за границей.

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